Augmented Reality, a Power-Up for Online Marketing

Snapchat as a use case for using Augmented Reality in Content Marketing

Augmented Reality, a Power-Up for Online Marketing

Augmented Reality, a Power-Up for Online Marketing 1024 512 Cordny

Why is Augmented Reality for Online Marketing an Innovation?

In our previous AR-deepdive we discussed the role Augmented Reality (AR) can play when working remotely.

Thank you for your feedback on this AR-deepdive, very appreciated.

Up to now we discussed healthcare and remote working in the TestingSaaS AR-deepdives, are there other use cases Augmented Reality can be beneficiary?

Augmented Reality and Online Marketing

Why is Augmented Reality for Online Marketing an Innovation?

What is a typical Example of Augmented Reality in Online Marketing?

Can you give me a few Succes Stories of this Example?

These questions are answered in this AR-deepdive .

The use of the mobile messaging app Snapchat is shown to illustrate how AR is used in online marketing campaigns.

Enjoy and if you have any questions or remarks you can always contact me.